Possible Heart Zoom
Here is a video mockup of a potential zoom sequence for future versions of POMT! Although this particular content won't be available for some time, I've obviously been hard at work on the updates for Version 3.0 (out now!) that include (a) actual 3D models of a human hand, the skin, molecules, blood cells, etc and (b) the ability to zoom in and see atoms. We're not quite at the subatomic level just yet, but stay tuned!
Our ultimate goal, of course, is to bring you the entire simulated microverse for less than a cup of coffee, but we're still working on it :P

Future Plans
To the left is a diagram that maps out some of the content that I was planning on for Phase II of the NSF grant, which fell through (for a variety of reasons). Although I still want to get to all these places eventually, I think that the way it's going to go is that I'll release one new "thing" to zoom into at a time. So, for example, a leaf, I think, will be next, then the heart. If you have any strong opinions on "what should come next," definitely feel free to contact us! I just thought it'd be nice to include, so that everyone can see the realm of possibilities future of POMT.